8 Inspiring Books for the DIY Musician’s Shelf
We don’t always have all the answers, so it’s great to have a fully-stocked bookshelf to inspire us musicians to get through hard creative times.
There’s something kind of incredible about podcasts. As stories and reports told in audio, they have this way of transporting you to another world. Almost as if you’re being read to by someone very close to you, they can inspire in a way that’s unlike any other medium. If you’re like me and constantly on…
Dealing with an unruly or unexcited crowd? Here are our tips for how to engage, or reengage your audience from the stage.
If you plan on making a living from your music, then you plan on being an entrepreneur. While many DIY musicians envision themselves more like a freelancer, focused on bringing in income from one main skill set, an entrepreneur creates multiple streams of income in order to ensure that there’s always money coming in, even…
Here’s how to adjust your musical goals for the “new normal” we’re about to experience, as the world slowly opens back up again.
Erik Satie (1866-1925) is praised by historians for helping to provide the pre-war pathway to minimalism in classical music. His piano compositions, most famously the Gymnopédies suite of 1888 and the Gnossiennes suite of 1893, set the tone for experimentation within the next century of composers. These composers traversed new understandings of tonality, space, and emotion, even as academic trends in…
Physical formats have only been around since the 1870s — but in that relatively short amount of time, we’ve managed to come up with some pretty bizarre ways to release music. Each format on this list had its moment of usefulness. But looking back might make you ask “what were we thinking?” Regardless of how obsolete…
+ Improve your songwriting with Soundfly! Explore our range of courses on emotional chord progressions, basic songwriting technique, songwriting for producers, and many more. Subscribe for unlimited access here. If ever you needed proof that there is joy in repetition, the contemporary pop music chorus is the smoking gun. The chorus gives the listener the entire point of the song summed up…
For electronic home producers, writing lyrics doesn’t always come easy. Here are a few tried-and-true strategies culled from our newest online course.
Here’s a quick lesson on songwriting perspectives with advice on how to choose your lyrical point of view when starting to write.
Don’t let the fear of rejection hold you back from accomplishing great things. Here’s how to turn a “No” into a “Yes” opportunity.
People make so many excuses for themselves when they don’t feel up to writing. Here are ten common ones and why they’re all wrong.
From natural sounds to mechanical devices, many unusual things have been incorporated into musical scores by daring composers. Here are 5.