5 Lessons On: The Art of Arranging

5 Lessons On graphic

How to tackle your next arrangement.

Arranging means thinking through how all of the instruments, voices, or elements of a piece fit together — ideally to create something greater than the sum of its parts. 

It’s a tall task almost any time you sit down to compose or produce a track, so it’s helpful to be able to rely on tried and true methodologies for approaching this high-wire act of orchestration. Below are 5 lessons culled from Soundfly’s artist-led courses that provide actionable techniques and perspectives for tackling your next musical arrangement. 

But these links are only accessible with an active Soundfly subscription. So make sure to subscribe to level up your toolkit, and gain access to everything else Soundfly has to offer. Enjoy!

Drummer, composer, and producer, Ian Chang is constantly exploring the outer boundaries of rhythm and sound design in his work. Here he walks us through the technique of rhythmic elasticity in arranging.

Take this lesson.

Kimbra is no stranger to using the voice for pretty much everything; here, she dives deep into the various techniques and tools that can turn anyone’s vocal range into an entire orchestra of instruments. 

Take this lesson.

RJD2’s work is a perpetual challenge. How do you arrange a track with vinyl samples when taking key, tempo, and sonic elements into account? His sage advice: build arrangements one step at a time…

Take this lesson.

In Jlin’s fast-paced, continually evolving electronic dance music, almost everything becomes a transition to the next idea. Watch her add transitions throughout a track to alter its pathway in real time.

Take this lesson.

In this lesson from Intro to Scoring for Film & TV, we cover why sync points between cues and scenes are so important, and how to create alternate options that coalesce at just the right dramatic moment.

Take this lesson.

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Ready to learn? Join Soundfly’s subscription to access all of these lessons and so much more. Take a single course from beginning to end, or bounce around and pick up wherever you left off. Explore our full range of artist-led courses here.

RJD2: From Samples to Songs

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