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  • Fight-Dancing With Laser Hands

    Fight-Dancing With Laser Hands

    “Stop thinking of music as a sequence of notes, start with story first.” — Stephen Flick Hi All, “Perform the piano in a different manner. We bought a beat up spinet piano, loaded it on a forklift, and dropped it 30 feet onto the concrete floor of a warehouse.” That was my favorite suggestion I…

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  • What to Do When You’re Stuck in a Creative Desert

    What to Do When You’re Stuck in a Creative Desert

    This week, I’m stuck.  I’m struggling to come up with new ideas on the piano. I’m using all the same plugins and production techniques in the DAW. Nothing I’m doing musically feels particularly exciting or new. I’m feeling slightly devoid of creativity and spark, and not quite sure where to go from here.  It happens. …

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  • Dangling Over the Cliff Edge

    Dangling Over the Cliff Edge

    I’m not feeling very creative at the moment.  It’s been a tough few weeks at home, the sort of exceptional and unpredictable moment in your year where everything’s hard, where your daily energy feels less like that of an Olympian ready to run up a mountain and more like someone who accidentally stuck their finger…

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  • What Do You Adore?

    What Do You Adore?

    What is the role of an artist?  There are a million answers to that question, and the best one is likely personal to you. Vincent Van Gogh famously said his role was to “bring the wretched a brotherly message,” helping people see that they’re not alone and that life can be deeply beautiful. Nina Simone…

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  • The Ingredients Really Matter

    The Ingredients Really Matter

    Hi folks,  The ingredients you put in your food really matter. Think of some of the best cuisines in the world — the way Italian food treats fresh, delicious ingredients in simple ways to let their flavors shine through. Or how the purveyors of French cuisine craft complex flavor combinations that can elevate individual components into something unexpected and…

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  • Does Pressure Make You More Creative?

    Does Pressure Make You More Creative?

    Hi everyone,  Do time constraints help you be more creative?  Tough question. On the one hand, if someone asks you to solve a tough riddle in 30 seconds or a bomb will explode, I’m guessing it’s going to be a little difficult to bring your most thoughtful, divergent ideas to the table. On the other hand, there…

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  • Sacred Knowledge

    Sacred Knowledge

    There’s a story many of us tell ourselves that goes something like this: There are professionals and experts out there that know things we don’t know. They are equipped with some sacred knowledge that we don’t have that allows them to do the things they do. We can’t be successful until we have also unearthed…

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  • Make Music for Yourself for a Change

    Make Music for Yourself for a Change

    Feeling lost in the hustle? Remember to make music just for yourself once in a while.

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  • An Introduction to Sam Amidon — Experimental Folk “Crate Digger”

    An Introduction to Sam Amidon — Experimental Folk “Crate Digger”

    Some personal notes on the first time I listened to the highly personal, lyrical music of avant-garde folk balladier Sam Amidon.

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  • Themes and Variation S2E05: “Songs About Science”

    Themes and Variation S2E05: “Songs About Science”

    In the latest episode of Soundfly’s podcast, Themes and Variation, Jeremy, Martin, and Mahea discuss “Songs About Science.”

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