Accomplish Your Musical Goals with our Custom Mentorship Sessions

Soundfly Mentors

Need help on a specific project that doesn’t quite fit within one of our online courses? Work with a Soundfly Mentor one-on-one to create a custom one-month Learning Plan specifically tailored to your needs and goals through our newly revamped custom mentorship program.

Some examples of past programs include adding production magic to your tracks, arranging and finishing musical ideas, producing an EP, working on your branding, and getting help building an audience for your music. Whatever your project or goal may be, we’ll pair you up with a Soundfly Mentor specifically suited to your needs and experience, who will work with you to figure out what it takes to get it done.

For a bit of inspiration, check out this Spotify playlist featuring music created by current Soundfly Mentors.

If you’d like to work with any of these artists specifically, just let us know via this form. We’re happy to connect you with a mentor for a phone call before you make any commitments to the program. Take a free preview to learn more about how the program works, or to be matched with a mentor right away.

One month of pro support, creative prompts, and constructive feedback.

How It Works

Perhaps you’ve looked around at a bunch of our courses, and then realized that we don’t yet have that electronic dance harmonica course you’ve been looking for yet. Bummer! But that’s OK, because the Headliners Club allows you to go on a customized learning journey around a topic of your choosing.

How does this work? Well, no, we don’t hire an army of magical musical nerds to jump in and create 75 lessons specifically on the topic of your choice. Instead, we pair you up with one of our trained, expert mentors for four weeks of focused coaching around the subject or project you want to conquer. Here’s what that coaching involves, specifically:

1. The Setup Call

The first thing you’ll do is hop on the phone with your mentor so they can better understand what you’re hoping to accomplish and you can make sure you’re a good fit together. You can even do this right away, with no commitment to buy, by telling us about yourself so we can suggest a mentor. If you’re considering signing up but not sure if it’s right for you, give it a try!

2. A Personalized Learning Plan

Your mentor will then take the results of that phone call and put them into a personalized Learning Plan (LP)and yes, we do get a kick out of calling it an LP, thank you very much. This includes your big-picture goals and activities that you plan to work towards in your four-week session. Your LP may evolve during the session, but it’s intended to provide an initial roadmap to ensure you’re on the same page with your mentor.

3. Weekly Guided Activity via Email

Every week, your mentor will send you a specific activity or two intended to get you closer to your stated goal for the course. These activities are designed to be practical and push you to use your new skills right away.

4. Weekly Phone or Skype Call

Every week, you’ll also hop on the phone or on Skype with your mentor to talk through questions you have, get feedback on your activities, or discuss your musical goals in general. These can be scheduled around whatever time works for you and your mentor.

5. Weekly Feedback on Your Work

Every week, whether on your phone call or in a subsequent email, you should expect in-depth feedback on the activities you’ve done to help guide you in the right direction and closer to your goal.

6. Closing Thoughts

At the end of your session, your mentor will reflect with you on all you’ve accomplished and will offer you thoughts on what to focus on next in the coming months and years to keep your progress going.

The aim of this structure is to provide flexibility and depth to help you make big leaps forward in your music or career. Because there’s no pre-established content like there is in our courses, we’ve found this program works best for musicians who fall a bit outside the lines. If you’ve got a specific musical project or goal in mind, if you don’t really want a bunch of tutorials, and especially if you’re in need of a sounding board for professional feedback, this program is definitely for you. 

If you’re ready to get started, tell us about yourself. If you want to know more, just head over to the custom mentorship info page or feel free get in touch with us via email.

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