Tag: hauschka

  • What Is “Prepared Piano” and How Do You Notate It?

    What Is “Prepared Piano” and How Do You Notate It?

    American composer John Cage was arguably the most prolific composer of prepared-piano music and is often credited as having invented the prepared piano, so to speak. While there were earlier instances of composers placing objects on the piano strings, or bypassing the keyboard in order to directly manipulate the strings in performance (most notably Henry…

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  • Four Musicians Who Are Reinventing the Piano

    Four Musicians Who Are Reinventing the Piano

    We at Soundfly love the piano. In many ways, it’s the Mother of Modern Instruments, a musical Khaleesi that’s ruled the stage for hundreds of years. Since its birth in the 1700s, the piano has appeared in almost every style of music you can think of — jazz, rock, classical, blues, cat music — and been played…

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Jlin: Rhythm, Variation, & Vulnerability