Talking Points: Kaytranada Explains Why You Gotta Get Outside Your Vacuum
In this edition of “Talking Points,” producer and beat maker Kaytranada talks about his grooves, his influences, and his upbringing, and we boil it down!
In this edition of “Talking Points,” producer and beat maker Kaytranada talks about his grooves, his influences, and his upbringing, and we boil it down!
Welcome to our brand new column, Talking Points. In each post, we revisit a lengthy lecture or Q&A with the greatest minds in music production and composition, and elucidate the most interesting details or concepts mentioned by each guest in order to gain a fresh perspective on the topic in question. Follow along with the series here, or…
Welcome to our weekly recap of the best of the musical internet. Summer is an awesome time for music. While the rest of the entertainment industry takes sun-drenched breaks, the northern hemisphere (sorry, chilly Chile) is abuzz with all kinds of outdoor shows and festivals. This week we saw more of Lenny Kravitz than we expected, a lovely show of…