The Important Questions to Ask Yourself Next Time You Want to Give Up on Your Music Dreams
Just because you know this is what you want doesn’t mean you don’t call it into question… Be strong, visualize, and get back on the horse!
Just because you know this is what you want doesn’t mean you don’t call it into question… Be strong, visualize, and get back on the horse!
The Wonder Years’ Casey Cavaliere provides his top tips for time management, productivity and self-motivation for freelancers in a guest post.
Progress and self-development are hard to measure, and it’s all to easy to get discouraged. Here are 3 ways to spot skills improvement!
In her latest column, Mahea Lee revisits an argument overheard between a guitarist and pianist and what it means for musical interpretation.
Starting out teaching new students? Here are some pitfalls to avoid and strategies to implement (for the benefits of the student).
A powerful meditation on hiding behind what we don’t know — and how that, more than imposter syndrome, can impede the learning process.
The last few years have been hard for all of us, arm yourself with these creative strategies and never lose momentum again.
A short but sweet OpEd on why learning doesn’t have to be “grueling” to be effective, and how to master small skills, faster.
Five helpful suggestions for effective learning and teaching music online techniques from the CEO and Founder of Notetracks.
Don’t let the fear of rejection hold you back from accomplishing great things. Here’s how to turn a “No” into a “Yes” opportunity.