Tag: PledgeMusic

  • 6 Music Crowdfunding Campaigns That We’re Totally Rooting for Right Now

    6 Music Crowdfunding Campaigns That We’re Totally Rooting for Right Now

    It doesn’t take much to inspire us here at Soundfly. In general, we’re pretty excited about most things that our friends, partners, and students send our way when it comes to new music or new projects involving music and sound. But what really gets us amped is watching awesome crowdfunding projects come to life. Why? Simple.…

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  • 8 Music Crowdfunding Campaigns We Love Right Now and What Makes Them Great

    8 Music Crowdfunding Campaigns We Love Right Now and What Makes Them Great

    Our in-house music business guru, Jay Coyle, has managed crowdfunding and direct-to-fan campaigns for bands like the Barenaked Ladies, Veruca Salt, and the Presidents of the United States of America (to name a mere handful). He always instructs his clients to be themselves and share their stories genuinely when communicating with their fanbases. By doing the…

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  • Setting Yourself Apart: The Key Ingredient to a Successful Music Crowdfunding Campaign

    Setting Yourself Apart: The Key Ingredient to a Successful Music Crowdfunding Campaign

    + Pursue your next music marketing goal with a Soundfly Mentor like Marta! Soundfly offers four-week mentorship sessions with a pro, customized to you. Get in touch to learn more. Accomplishing a successful career in the modern day music industry is a lot like hacking away at a Rubik’s cube. You’ve seen people solve it, you’re pretty sure…

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