Tag: rob cantor

  • Off Notes: Friday Internet Round-Up

    Off Notes: Friday Internet Round-Up

    Happy Friday! We here at Soundfly HQ spend an inordinate amount of time on the internet reading and listening and generally consuming far too much music media. And it’s awesome! So we wanted to start sharing our weeks with you. Presenting Off Notes: a weekly round-up of all the musical goodies the rest of the…

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  • Dissecting Rob Cantor’s Masterpiece “Shia Labeouf”

    Dissecting Rob Cantor’s Masterpiece “Shia Labeouf”

    If you’re anything like us, you’ve watched Rob Cantor’s absurdly operatic tale of Shia Labeouf’s cannibalism and ultimate defeat 100 times by now. Clearly, there’s so much that makes this video just next level — from the aerial ribbon dancers to the actor himself appearing at the end like a half crazed serial killer pondering…

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RJD2: From Samples to Songs