What Students Are Saying About Soundfly’s Advanced Harmonic Theory Course

Soundfly’s The Creative Power of Advanced Harmony takes you beyond cliché chord progressions and patterns, giving you an understanding of how to apply more complex harmonic concepts to your music while retaining a strong emotional core. Moving outside the boundaries of predictable chord progressions is what gives D’Angelo his swagger, Grizzly Bear their sophistication, and Erykah Badu her sense of ethereal other-worldliness.

The new course shows students how to transcend tired harmonic clichés to build more nuanced, interesting chord progressions, how to use concepts like modal interchange, secondary dominants, dissonance, and chromaticism, and how to bring a “jazzy” sense of harmony to one’s music. By the end, participants overwhelmingly feel more comfortable crafting sophisticated chord progressions to imbue more nuanced emotions in their music.

Soundfly courses are interactive, practice-based, motivational, and inspirational, and these are just some of the reasons why our students have continually come back to us with positive feedback, even more positive results, and often to take more courses in other fields.

If you’re considering taking an online course to become a better songwriter, composer, or producer, head over to The Creative Power of Advanced Harmony to preview Soundfly’s online course for free, and read on below to see what recent students have said about the experience! 

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What Students Are Saying About the Course

“Joseph was a terrific mentor who provided extremely useful feedback for each assignment. The course was excellent… Soundfly courses are perhaps the best set of music courses I’ve ever taken!

“The most useful thing that I learned was to gain the conscious awareness of human emotions, in an intentional way, when developing chord progressions. creating music. And using writing techniques like modal interchange and others to help convey those emotional states of being in your music.”

Ken Smith (multiple Soundfly student), Mentor –Joseph Capalbo

“I think what you do and represent is amazing.”

Fredrik Joelson (multiple Soundfly student), Mentor –Martin D. Fowler

“I feel more musically confident because of this course. I really thought it was helpful dissecting a song and learning how it achieved a certain vibe.”

Sebastian Vaskio (two-time Soundfly student), Mentor –Joseph Capalbo

“I thought the course was really well designed and helped me get a grip on concepts I’d heard before but had never really gotten my head around. A lot of things really clicked in, and working 1:1 with Martin was great. My goal was to introduce more complex harmony and dissonance into my music so have been really pleased with the results and the new material I’ve been working on over the last few months.”

Anonymous Student, Mentor –Martin D. Fowler

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