Best Practices: Pitching in Spotify for Artists

man playing guitar overlay with spotify

man playing guitar

By Daniel Iammatteo

This article originally appeared on the TuneCore Blog

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When I sit down with artists (virtually), I get asked a lot about playlists, and I understand why. They are a great way for people to discover your music.

When it comes to getting on these playlists, think of it as part of the bigger picture. Every release is an opportunity to build your audience, reach out to press, and launch your best work.

That being said, one additional step you should add to your pre-release checklist is submitting your Spotify for Artists pitch. In case you haven’t heard: Spotify created a tool for all artists that allows you to submit music to their editorial team directly. How cool, right? (No other store has this sort of tool in place… yet.)

Now I wouldn’t put your eggs too heavily in this basket. Notice how I said add this to your release plan not in lieu of it, but if you properly utilize this pitch tool, it could be just as advantageous as sending around your EPK (electronic press kit).

Here are some tips to help you when you sit down to submit your S4A pitch.

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bass player

Get your release into Spotify for Artists early!

This is a big one, guys. It means uploading to TuneCore at least 3-4 weeks in advance (longer if you can). The longer your pitch sits in the S4A pitch tool, the more time playlist editors will have with it.

Pick the best song.

If you are releasing an album with multiple tracks you will have to pick just one track to showcase. I’d likely pick a song that shows off your skill as a musician and artist and tells your story. If you are unsure, ask some friends or some loyal fans for their opinion.

Previously released music cannot be repitched so it has to be a new track for every pitch. In other words, pre-released singles can’t be repitched for a new album release.

Tag it!

After you pick your song to pitch, you’ll be asked to tag your release with basic info such as genre and metadata. Make sure this is as accurate as possible. No, don’t be clever or punk rock about it.

Metadata should not be deceitful. Help out the editors who review your pitch and listen to your music and tag correctly.

Who are you?

Next, you need to verify some basic artist information (where you’re from, etc.). This should be straightforward.

“Describe your song for us.”

With a 500 character count limit you’ll have approximately 5-6 sentences to get this down. When you write your note, keep in mind that it will be read by the editors themselves. Don’t try to be a publicist or preachy, just be honest and true to the artistry behind your music. What inspired you to write this? Did you learn anything in the process? Are there any musical references or samples? Be nerdy and show off your personality. If you have space leftover, mention upcoming press/shows you’ve secured.

  • The above paragraph is 500 characters.

Here’s a screenshot of artist LAYNE’s example pitch.

After that, you’re all set.

Remember: At the end of the day you’re releasing music for your fans (not for playlist curators). Always put out your best work, and remember that as an artist your main job is to connect with people through your music.

Happy pitching!

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Daniel Iammatteo is a Content Specialist on TuneCore’s Entertainment Relations team.

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