Tag: chorus

  • Chorus Writing Strategy 101

    Chorus Writing Strategy 101

    + Improve your songwriting with Soundfly! Explore our range of courses on emotional chord progressions, basic songwriting technique, songwriting for producers, and many more. Subscribe for unlimited access here. If ever you needed proof that there is joy in repetition, the contemporary pop  music chorus is the smoking gun. The chorus gives the listener the entire point of the song summed up…

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  • What Is the Doppler Effect?

    What Is the Doppler Effect?

    + Welcome to Soundfly! We help curious musicians meet their goals with creative online courses. Whatever you want to learn, whenever you need to learn it. Subscribe now to start learning on the ’Fly. If a tree falls in the forest and there’s initially no one there to hear it — but someone, alerted to the event, suddenly runs toward the…

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  • Longing for Simpler Times? Why the ‘Good Old Days’ Ain’t So Simple This Time Around

    Longing for Simpler Times? Why the ‘Good Old Days’ Ain’t So Simple This Time Around

    Have you heard Macklemore and Kesha’s recent duet, “Good Old Days”? It’s got a main theme everyone can relate to: “why, oh why, did I take those days gone by for granted?” The video features some pretty universal moments as well, just driving through the woods in a van at various states of chill along…

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  • Bang for Your Buck in a Box: A Rainbow of Great Guitar Pedals Under $200

    Bang for Your Buck in a Box: A Rainbow of Great Guitar Pedals Under $200

    With the explosion of boutique guitar pedal manufacturers in recent years, there’s never been a better time to get that certain sound under your stage toes. But it’s also in the nature of specialty pedals to be, well, specialized. In addition to being less versatile, they also tend to be a bit more expensive. Here…

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