What Photography Has Taught Me About Music
In this OpEd, Andrew Tasselmyer from the band Hotel Neon reflects on how picking up a camera during COVID helped him make progress with music.
In this OpEd, Andrew Tasselmyer from the band Hotel Neon reflects on how picking up a camera during COVID helped him make progress with music.
Not sure what instrument fits best? Here’s a guide to understanding how to employ and experiment with timbre when orchestrating musical work.
How to know if the publicist you’re about to hire is going to be a good fit? Here are four tells that could save you money (and your career).
Are you an artist looking to create some momentum, separation, or buzz in your community? Live shows beat social media every time. Here’s why.
Before you waste time, energy, and resources trying to please potential stakeholders, consider the power and freedom of DIYing it.
When setting up a mixing space, how can you get optimal acoustic results with speaker positioning and room design? Here’s how.
Working for yourself and being beholden to nobody but your clients is a blessing, but for your health it can be a curse. Here’s our advice!
Can songs write themselves or do they need to be forced into existence more often than not? Here are some thoughts on enhancing organic flow.
Is there a self-evaluation bias when it comes to performing or is there really a difference between how our voice sounds to us and to others?
Do artists really NEED a record label in 2022? If you’ve done what you need to attract a label you’ve probably already succeeded on your own!