Announcing Soundfly’s New All Access Course Subscription Plan!

We started Soundfly six years ago to create a better place to learn music online — a place to celebrate music in all its forms, as well as the weird, wacky, and wonderful individuals who make it. But we knew from the outset we wanted to do things a little differently than what we were seeing from everyone else out there.

We spent the first couple years figuring out how to make better resources; how to present content in a way that gives musicians the best starting place to learn from. We learned how to make better lessons (stick to one idea at a time), how to effectively present information (explain, show, do), how to make things stick for learners (offer lots of constrained practice activities), and many other things — like how to make gifs (nobody should’ve taught us this).

Two years ago, we began offering in-depth one-on-one mentorship sessions, and our program took a huge leap forward. There’s a ton of research out there on the effectiveness of one-on-one learning, and we immediately saw the impact in our community.

Our mentorship program has achieved incredible results, including students hitting the top of beat making charts, students having their music featured in ads and films, and students getting featured in news articles and press for their music. We were even able to use a track made by a student during one of their sessions in a recent Soundfly video!

Our courses and programs also see way higher than average completion rates and satisfaction rates — and tons of students come back for more.

“I do not ever recall getting this level of feedback nor support in previous online courses (or live courses for that matter).” –Jeffrey Yuan, three-time Soundfly student.

As a matter of fact, one of the things students started telling us about a year ago was that the only reason they weren’t coming back to take every course on Soundfly was that the total cost was just too prohibitive, or that with six weeks of mentorship every time, it was just too time intensive. Our mentorship programs are awesome, but they take a deep, active commitment on the part of the student; and that isn’t always what musicians want or need.

So now, we’re extremely proud to finally, publicly roll out our brand new, super affordable all access course subscription offer!

This subscription is a wonderful opportunity for musicians, composers, songwriters, producers, and beat makers alike, who have been eagerly wanting to take courses like Unlocking the Emotional Power of Chords, or Faders Up: Modern Mix Techniques, or The Art of Hip-Hop Production, to take any and every single one that want. And to learn on their own schedule.

But don’t worry, we’ll still provide mentorship for those who want to level up their learning, and hit the ground running with as much intense energy as they have to bring. You just have to sign up for that separately (it’s pretty easy).

Here’s how the subscription works:

You pay $39/month or $234/year (about six months free) and you get unlimited access to ALL of Soundfly’s online course content for as long as you remain subscribed. That’s hundreds of hours of content at your fingertips, on topics ranging from mixing to songwriting to arranging to vocal production to theory, and more. And that includes future courses we’re hard at work creating right now.

What Else Is Included With Your Subscription?

We’re planning to roll out some amazing new content in the coming months, exclusively for subscribers, including a new Advanced Synths course for producers. We hope you’ll join us and our team of incredible mentors to be part of it!

For now, go check out the courses we currently offer, and subscribe to get access to every darn one of them!


Ryan Lott: Designing Sample-Based Instruments

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