Join the Soundfly Open House to Explore Our New Course With Com Truise

Com Truise open house image

Join Soundfly Founder and CEO, Ian Temple, and Head of Community, Carter Lee, on Tuesday (April 26) at 4pm EST to get an sneek peak of our newest course, Com Truise: Mid-fi Synthwave Slow-Motion Funk.

This online event is free of charge, and you do not have to be subscribed to Soundfly to join. RSVP for Soundfly’s Com Truise course open house on Crowdcast here.

We’re going to be talking about the course, what to expect in terms of learning outcomes and secrets that Com Truise (Seth Haley) will be exploring in his production and composition techniques. And you’ll be able to get a preview of the course flow, the lessons he teaches based on his creative process, and the brand new, exclusive track he wrote and recorded step-by-step throughout the course, called “Dynetics.”

See you on the launch pad for for lift-off on Tuesday at 4pm! RSVP here via Crowdcast.

Com Truise Soundfly course header image

Jlin: Rhythm, Variation, & Vulnerability

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