The Altered Scale: The One That Breaks All the Rules.

How can one musical scale break all the rules, and yet still have the ability to create tension, exotic colors, jazziness, and dreaminess? We absolutely love this one and you will too.

Today we’re dissecting the theory behind the Altered Scale.

When used correctly, it can add so much magic and mysteriousness to otherwise straightforward chords and progressions, or stale patterns in desperate need of a mood “alteration.”

The altered scale doesn’t exactly work on everything — it’s got both minor and major sensibilities built right into it — but wherever you could use an unexpected burst of tanginess and richness, this should be everyone’s go to musical condiment.

…So, wait, does that make the altered scale the A1 barbecue sauce of the musical scale world or what?

(Yup, that’s an invitation to argue in the video comments…)

Check out our newest video courtesy of Soundfly’s YouTube channel and don’t forget to like and subscribe!

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