I’m Not Saying Aliens Wrote This “House of Cards” Cue, But…
We break down the super hip “fourthi-fifthiness” sounding interval leap in this downright gorgeous cue from the “House of Cards” score.
scales of all shapes and sizes! minor pentatonic scales, major scales, minor scales, etc.
We break down the super hip “fourthi-fifthiness” sounding interval leap in this downright gorgeous cue from the “House of Cards” score.
An exhaustive history of the catchiest ad jingle of all time. It goes so much deeper than we could’ve ever imagined and we break it ALL down.
From 20th century minimalism to early Gregorian chant structures, this film cue has it all…and it’s probably not the one you’re thinking of.
This is the A1 barbecue sauce of all musical scale modes… (As in, it doesn’t go on everything but when it works, it REALLY adds some tang!)
Watch 10 of our all-time favorite free videos, culled from our courses, courtesy of weekly growing our YouTube channel.
What happens when a computer decides what makes popular songs formulaic versus iconic? Total controversy. But let’s take a deeper look…
Discover the hidden music theory gem holding together one of the greatest TV theme songs of all time, and who gets the last laugh about it.
Songwriters and producers, ready to get jazzy? Here’s an introductory guide to building and using jazz chords in pop music!
Courtesy of Soundfly’s new Ableton Live course, here’s a lesson on how to use Scale Mode for easier playing within a key!
Making chords from the scale you’re in is fine, but borrowing notes and bringing them in from other scales and modes, now that’s fun!