Tag: digital instruments

  • Let Kaki King Walk You Through Her Live Electronics Setup

    Let Kaki King Walk You Through Her Live Electronics Setup

    In Kaki King’s brand-new, free course for Soundfly, Digital Pedalboards, she takes us through why she decided to make the switch to a digital pedalboard, how she makes use of this new, more compact electronics setup, and some helpful tips for how to customize the tech for our own use. Kaki’s setup involves only five pieces of gear.…

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  • Boring but Useful: How to Prep a Mix in Ableton Live

    Boring but Useful: How to Prep a Mix in Ableton Live

    + Master the tools and techniques of producing pro-level electronic music and audio in Ableton Live with Soundfly’s course, Intro to Music Production in Ableton Live. One of the dullest parts of production, but one of the most important for properly finishing a track, is preparing to mix it. If and when people think of music production…

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  • 14 of the Most Commonly Confused Terms in Music and Audio

    14 of the Most Commonly Confused Terms in Music and Audio

    Once upon a time, remixing a song meant actually redoing the mix. Many vintage consoles (some Neve 80-series, for example) have a button labeled “remix” that changes a few functions on the desk to optimize it for mixing rather than recording. But sometime in the late 20th century, the word “remix” began to take on a new meaning:…

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  • 10 Tips for Creating More Realistic MIDI Music

    10 Tips for Creating More Realistic MIDI Music

    + Learning to record and mix at home? Check out Soundfly’s acclaimed online courses on mixing, production, beat making and more — Subscribe for unlimited access. Eighty years ago, people could only dream of computers making music. The first machines to do this were as large as a bus and sounded like a dying duck choking on garbage. By contrast, modern…

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  • The Ins and Outs of Recording Your Guitar “Direct In”

    The Ins and Outs of Recording Your Guitar “Direct In”

    Cranky neighbors. A dearth of suitable space to stack amps. A shortage of cash. There are any number of obvious and legitimate reasons for learning to record your electric guitar tracks direct in. When you get this skill down pat, you’ll find the approach delivers a great deal of speed and flexibility without compromising too much on…

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  • Top 5 Plugins to Get Amazingly Realistic Digital Piano Sounds

    Top 5 Plugins to Get Amazingly Realistic Digital Piano Sounds

    + Bridge the worlds of theory, improvisation, and jazzy hip-hop, and improve your piano chops with Grammy-winner Kiefer in his course, Kiefer: Keys, Chords, & Beats. As a piano player, I used to detest the idea of digital pianos replacing the need for acoustic craftsmanship. While I still think that there will never be an equal…

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Jlin: Rhythm, Variation, & Vulnerability