What Does “Diatonic” Actually Mean?
Are all major and minor scales diatonic? Did Pythagoras invent chromaticism? What’s up and what’s down with diatonicism… Find out here!
Are all major and minor scales diatonic? Did Pythagoras invent chromaticism? What’s up and what’s down with diatonicism… Find out here!
A brief exploration into several Greek dances, and how their rhythms and storytelling help us internalize music in an innate way.
Named for the Ancient Greek god of wind, Aeolus, aeolian harps are one of the few music instruments that needs no human touch to make sound.
You might recognize hemiola as being a foundational polyrhythmic beat of African music, but did you know you can also compose hemiola melodically?
A few years ago when I was on tour more often, I used to stay at a friend’s place in Boston every time we rolled through. Across the street there lived a friendly, half-senile old Greek gentleman. He’d be so excited when we arrive — running out of his house offering shots of ouzo and…