I’m Not Saying Aliens Wrote This “House of Cards” Cue, But…
We break down the super hip “fourthi-fifthiness” sounding interval leap in this downright gorgeous cue from the “House of Cards” score.
We break down the super hip “fourthi-fifthiness” sounding interval leap in this downright gorgeous cue from the “House of Cards” score.
This compositional form and tool was used emblematically throughout the Middle Ages, here’s how it works and how to write one.
There’s nothing more powerful than a truly great “simple” melody. Today, we harness the emotive power of intervals with these 12 film themes.
Are all major and minor scales diatonic? Did Pythagoras invent chromaticism? What’s up and what’s down with diatonicism… Find out here!
From sound design to music theory to auditory phenomena, here are the reasons why horror film score music can actually spook us to death!
New to songwriting? It always helps to create pull for your listener using harmony. Here are some chord options for resolving tension!
A handy guide for using borrowed chords in parallel scales and modes, to make your chord progressions more refreshing and unpredictable.
When film music becomes continuous wallpaper so aggressively it doesn’t even let the viewers think for themselves, everyone loses.
What exactly is “mickeymousing,” and how do we know whether it’s a good or bad addition to your musical score? Let’s find out.
The Office Theme music couldn’t be more indicative of Michael Scott’s character persona, it functions almost as a leitmotif for three reasons, here’s how.