Tag: Laurens Hammond

  • How Mellotrons Work and What Makes Them So Special

    How Mellotrons Work and What Makes Them So Special

    You know the sound from songs like “Strawberry Fields Forever” but now, dive inside the Mellotron and discover why it’s incomparably unique.

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  • (Artificial) Space Is the Place: A Reverb Technology Primer

    (Artificial) Space Is the Place: A Reverb Technology Primer

    + Welcome to Soundfly! We help curious musicians meet their goals with creative online courses. Whatever you want to learn, whenever you need to learn it. Subscribe now to start learning on the ’Fly. If you’ve sung even a single note in a large concrete stairwell, you likely know how flattering and interesting reverberation can be. The desire to artificially add…

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RJD2: From Samples to Songs