Author: Brad Allen Williams

  • What Is the Doppler Effect?

    What Is the Doppler Effect?

    + Welcome to Soundfly! We help curious musicians meet their goals with creative online courses. Whatever you want to learn, whenever you need to learn it. Subscribe now to start learning on the ’Fly. If a tree falls in the forest and there’s initially no one there to hear it — but someone, alerted to the event, suddenly runs toward the…

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  • How Mellotrons Work and What Makes Them So Special

    How Mellotrons Work and What Makes Them So Special

    You know the sound from songs like “Strawberry Fields Forever” but now, dive inside the Mellotron and discover why it’s incomparably unique.

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  • Getting the Most from Your Hired Musicians

    Getting the Most from Your Hired Musicians

    For an emerging artist, bringing in the hired guns for a one-off show, recording, or tour can be a daunting proposition. Even after you’ve found the perfect players, you still have to negotiate compensation, make sure they understand what’s expected of them, and provide them with the materials they need to perform their best. Every…

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  • Turning Sound into Electricity: An Advanced Guide to Microphone Technology

    Turning Sound into Electricity: An Advanced Guide to Microphone Technology

    Get an intimate look inside some of the most popular microphones and discover the technologically that makes them unique.

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  • Mastering: Decoding the ‘What’ and ‘Why’ of It All

    Mastering: Decoding the ‘What’ and ‘Why’ of It All

    + Pursue your mixing or audio production goals with a Soundfly Mentor like Andrea! Soundfly offers four-week mentorship sessions with a pro, customized to you. Get in touch to learn more. Your music has been carefully recorded and painstakingly mixed, but there’s still one more step before it’s ready for the listening public: mastering. Mastering is the bridge…

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  • Vinyl: How It Works (and What That Means for You)

    Vinyl: How It Works (and What That Means for You)

    Vinyl records have enjoyed an immense resurgence in popularity over the last decade. But how exactly do they work? How are two channels of full-bandwidth audio information (over 20 minutes’ worth on a typical 12-inch side) stored in a single, tiny, spiral groove on a plastic disc? The basic principles involved are actually rather simple,…

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  • (Artificial) Space Is the Place: A Reverb Technology Primer

    (Artificial) Space Is the Place: A Reverb Technology Primer

    + Welcome to Soundfly! We help curious musicians meet their goals with creative online courses. Whatever you want to learn, whenever you need to learn it. Subscribe now to start learning on the ’Fly. If you’ve sung even a single note in a large concrete stairwell, you likely know how flattering and interesting reverberation can be. The desire to artificially add…

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  • The Five Rules of Being a Good Collaborator

    The Five Rules of Being a Good Collaborator

    + Welcome to Soundfly! We help curious musicians meet their goals with creative online courses. Whatever you want to learn, whenever you need to learn it. Subscribe now to start learning on the ’Fly. Collaboration, whether by choice or necessity, can be emotional and even downright messy. The more passionate and personally invested each collaborator is, the higher the likelihood that…

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  • Aesthetics: The Forgotten Frontier in the Tone Debate

    Aesthetics: The Forgotten Frontier in the Tone Debate

    If you’ve spent enough time around guitarists or bassists, you’re certainly familiar with what gear obsession looks like. You may even be a gear obsessive yourself, or have at least been through a phase of quarreling over minutiae in online fora. And if you know a gear obsessive, you’ve almost certainly witnessed them debate their main adversary: the “tone-is-in-your-fingers”…

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  • 14 of the Most Commonly Confused Terms in Music and Audio

    14 of the Most Commonly Confused Terms in Music and Audio

    Once upon a time, remixing a song meant actually redoing the mix. Many vintage consoles (some Neve 80-series, for example) have a button labeled “remix” that changes a few functions on the desk to optimize it for mixing rather than recording. But sometime in the late 20th century, the word “remix” began to take on a new meaning:…

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